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Subtle qualities in contact improv - workshops and labs;
animals dance in and through CI
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Contact improvisation training and research focused on visualisation and sensation, as a key to establish a deep and rich relation inside (in, along) the dance. Subtle qualities, agile listening, open layers of sensing allow to stream through our bodies the world of imagination and dreams. To reach precious ability of transformability and freedom to express ourselves – in connection with ourselves, with the spaces, with partners. To swim in the ocean of space, bodies, time and relations, using all the skills we have without preconcepted limitations.
Subtle, soft and wild. To become a piece of poetry in every movement.
The time to dive deeply and slowly into contact. From the silence. From stilnness. With connection with internal and external flow of energy. Allowing the images to soak through our tissues and organs. Observing what happens. Beyond logics. Beyond boundaries. Beyond techinque.
Approach to CI conncted with qigong, BMC and butoh explorations, based in guidance through '7 animals dance' method. CI practice focused on development of senses, vivid conscious improvisation, s of relation and group energy. Adressed both to advanced CI movers, as the beginners, as the aim lies beyond the technique. To induce consciousnes processes in our bodies, our transformability (fluidity, Important to be eager to trust the process of (subtle) metamorfosis, and be ready to surprise yourself.
When the images enter our body, it starts to move and change shapes. When our bodies change shapes, it changes the inner and outer landscapes and energetical flow.
Impuls. Reaction. Action. Every action is a reaction. The shape and energy of a group action is a result of each personal reaction, to an impuls and to the actions.
Structure of the classes:
(1) Introduction: little of theory ;) Presentation of the connection between imaginary pathways and physiology and visceral aspects of movement. How the images of certain animals, plants, elements, natural forces and dreamlands induce certain spheres of our sensitivity, creativity, subconscious processess in the body (organs, tissues), and where they might direct us in the Contact Improvisation space. Each class focuses on certain theme.
(2) Guided journey through relaxation into movement, building step by step layers of connection with subtle qualities emerging from the theme. Exploring certain scores and skills. Searching precise pathways into contact, through images provided by the facilitator.
(3) Final free-improvisation sets, based on embodied qualities, with the focus on spontaneously created story of the whole group as one organism. Going through a set of scores, to present and observe the effects of work, and feel ourselves in “a skin of performer”, and a “skin of observer”.
(4) Summing up talk, streem-writing practice, sharing the experiences and conclusions.
notes, conclusions,
participants relations